Thursday, October 4, 2012

Recycled Tube Art lesson

Last year a parent donated a TON of small tape tubes to the art room.  I love when parents offer me stuff, but I wasn't sure about what to do with them.  I decided to have the students create ANYTHING they wanted with their tube. Well let me tell you, this was very hard for the students!! They are so used to having a topic for their lessons, and doing this as the first lesson after summer break made it even harder!! Some students really loved it, and went crazy with it, and some just were stuck!  I gave the students a variety of supplies to use, various papers, beads, pipe cleaners, etc.  I even pulled out hot glue guns to help stuff hold better.  I didnt let little kids use it, but my 5th graders were allowed to.  They handled that quite well.  Here are some photos of what they did....

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