Second grade did an in-depth lesson on Van Gogh. We started with the history of him, and talked about his passion for art and yes, how he cut his ear off! Thiese are the things students will remember!!!! They loved hearing about how he applied his paint on thick and how poor he was.
They created sunflower pictures in pencil and then had the choice of outlining it in black oil pastel or a mix of colors. After that they painted it with watercolors.
From there they created a Starry Night background with oil pastel, trying to recreate the feeling of the small lines creating the wind in the sky. They then washed over it with a water color of their choice.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
First Grade Laurel Burch Cats
I have always had very successful Laurel Burch projects with my fourth graders, but I decided this year to try it with my First graders. We went to Laurel Burches website and looked at her work, and I told the students a modified story of what happened in her life. The students found it very interesting that she was sick with a bone disease yet she loved to paint such colorful art.
We had a practice day of drawin cats in her style and they created some thumbnails of cats with different personalities. They loved this! The second day we moved on to drawing their good copy on 12x 18 paper. They then outlined everything in oil pastel and painted it with watercolors. Of course we talked about emotions, patterns, etc!!!
We had a practice day of drawin cats in her style and they created some thumbnails of cats with different personalities. They loved this! The second day we moved on to drawing their good copy on 12x 18 paper. They then outlined everything in oil pastel and painted it with watercolors. Of course we talked about emotions, patterns, etc!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Kindergarteners in the beginning! Ughhh!!!
I have been working with Kindergarteners for about fifteen years now, and there is nothing that I dread more than those first few weeks of art class with them. They are preschoolers still. They do not understand routines or directions yet, so everything I do is in babysteps. I love them though!! They are so stinkin' cute!!
I start off my year, as most art teachers probably do, by talking about the basic elements of line, shape, color and pattern. We start with line and create an oil pastel line design containing the nine line of: straight, curved, wavy, spiral, dotted, dashed, zig-zag, bumpy, and curly. We wash them with watercolors to give a colorful effect.
Secondly I talk about shape and we create a shape picture by using pre-cut shapes from found objects. These are colored with crayon. I then move into pattern. This lesson I change sometimes, so I am going to try something new on Pinterest that I found. I have attached some pictures of the line and shape lessons.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Art Assessment (SLOs)
The other art teacher and I have been working for a few years on our SLOs for art. We changed them again slightly this year. Here is an example of what we are doing in each grade:
K and 1: The students divide their paper into eight sections and are given a variety of things they need to draw in each section. These differ for both grades, but range from drawing types of lines to certain objects such as a house or their family. They are graded with a rubric.
2: They divide their paper up into 16 sections and will draw in a specific part what I tell them. Items range from overlapping shapes, symmetrical shapes, primary colors, etc.
3-5: Students are given a color theory quiz, each adapted for their grade level, and then must complete an artwork containing a list of all kinds of vocabulary such as horizontal lines, background, middleground, etc.
I want to change this a bit for next year to contain multiple choice with some vocab.
Summer was so fast this year!!!!
Wow! Time flies and I havent updated here since February. I wanted to share some new ideas I had this year. First off is my door outside. My theme is "Arty Party" this year, so my door shares the theme. This ties into my beginning of the year assignment. I always like the students to work on something to decorate the artroom. A few years ago I did the triangular flags. This year I decided to do circles.
The students traced a plate to get the circle and were allowed to decorate it however they wanted. They could divide up the circle or they could use the entire thing. Designs could be realistic or abstract. I like to do this to just get the creative energy started after summer break. Its pretty basic but I like to have them help with decorating the school/room.
I also am putting up photos of a few things around the room that I have. My paintbrush is new. I found a similar idea on Pinterest and changed it a bit. I also have a Principles/Elements board. I have also shown how I had the fifth graders a few years back work in small groups to paint the blocks behind my sink area. This eliminates the dirty look behind them! Lastly I put up an art vocabulary board. As we learn new words we add them to the board. They kids get excited to remind me when new words are discussed and to put them up!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
4th grade castles
Great new lesson this year. In the past I have done pop up castles but I wanted more details and time to create architecture. Watercolors were used to develop skills in technique and color mixing. These were big ! On 18x24 drawing paper.
2nd grade snowmen
This lesson was new this year. I wanted to put a twist to typical snowmen - winter artwork I do. I began by reading the book Snowmen at night" students discussed the funny things a snow person might do while we are all sleeping. This and the movie Frozen have been enough to really motivate my students for the project. We also discussed space and how artists use space to make their art more interesting. We discussed positive and negative space. The students were told that they were not allowed to draw the entire snowman, and that they had to use positive space to fill their artwork.
They outlined with oil pastel and used tempera to paint. They finished by finding an item to stamp print the falling snow.